Busy, Busy, OH MY, We’re Busy! Sci-Fi, Emmy’s & BET Award Shows!

This weekend couldn’t be any more crazy… Mingle Media TV is in Burbank today for the
Saturn AwardsThe 36th Annual Saturn Award’s (Sci-Fi) and we are so excited because we are Sci-Fi geeks and the celebs attending will be amazing, the movies, TV shows and other productions are amazing this year…

So if you’re not really a Sci-Fi buff, but go to the movies, you’ll recognize these amazing films starting with the leader of the nominations: James Cameron’s 3-D fantasy “Avatar” with 10 nominations followed by  “Sherlock Holmes” with 8 nominations, and close behind are “Inglourious Basterds” and “Watchmen” receiving  7 nominations apiece. Some more of MMTVN‘s favorites:  “District 9” and J.J. Abrams’ “Star Trek” and “District 9” each have 6 nominations each.

In the TV show categories “Lost” is at the top with 8 nominations with “Dexter” (Showtime),“Breaking Bad” (AMC), and “True Blood” (HBO) with 5 nominations each.  Not sure why “Fringe” (Fox) only got 3? but I guess I didn’t get my votes in… “Doctor Who” (BBC), and “Leverage” (TNT) also have 3 nominations apiece.

You can see everyone who was nominated this year by going to the Saturn Awards Website.

ABOUT: The Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films was founded in 1972 by noted film historian Dr. Donald A. Reed to honor and recognize genre entertainment.  Over the years, the Academy has expanded their reach to include other film genres.  The organization also recognizes excellence in television and home entertainment.  Robert Holguin presently serves as President of the 38 year old organization.

Stay tuned for our Red Carpet Report from the Saturn Awards and tomorrow’s Daytime Emmys (Creative Arts) where Mingle Media TV’s own Robin Craig is up for her 3rd Emmy!!

Sunday the BET awards and parties will be rolling so… don’t worry, we’ll get the interviews you want to see on Mingle Media TV.